Historian of the Future

History is everywhere… in our houses, in the places where we live… each one of us has his or her own personal story, regarding which, many people hope for a better future.

How many, though, are aware of the intimate correlation which exists between the past and the future?

It is in the past that the seeds of the future lie dormant, or better, the seeds of all possible futures.

Only those seeds germinate which receive sufficient light, heat and nourishment.

As a historian, my task is to help you shed light on those parts of your personal history which will help  the future you desire to materialise in accordance with your personal vocation.

Regarding humanity, my task as a historian – a historian of the future – is to shed light on those aspects of the collective past which sustain the life of the human race on Earth and the survival of the species in harmony with the Planet.

Dr. Roberta Rio

What I can do for you | Quotations

It is my profession and vocation in life to analyse places where people live (house, office) and where enterprises are located. The close connection between people’s physical health, the smooth functioning of their relationships and business affairs and the place in which they live and work is still unknown to most. However, it plays a crucial role.

I believe that intervening at this level is a “conditio sine qua non” (an indispensible action). Without this knowledge many interventions to improve people’s health, heal a relationship or help the success of a company materialise are nothing more than palliative. The analysis of place, or better,  knowledge of the spirit of place (genius loci) gets to the root of the problem. Even “simply” becoming aware of these aspects allows one to get tangible results of long duration. It concerns extremely ancient knowledge which can help us in a significant way in this crucial phase in the history of humanity, be it at an individual or collective level.

See the book Topophilia Effect.

My kind of intervention comprises the following modalities:

  1. Analysis of places, private houses, offices, buildings
  2. Teaching activities and/or courses at companies/enterprises, universities and institutions
  3. Individual coaching
  4. Lectures
  5. Surveys
  6. Researches
  7. Authoring activities
  8. Artistic performances

Enquiries and quotations 2024


Dr. Roberta Rio

She has a doctorate in History (PhD) and a Degree in Palaeography, Archiving and Diplomatics. She is member of the German Federation of Historians.

Visiting Professor at various universities (Berlin, Vienna, Klagenfurt, Linz, Innsbruck, Glasgow, Athens, Oldenburg, Milan, Bologna etc) and European institutions.

As a historian she proposes a radical renewal of the historical method to keep pace with the times and the present evolutionary phase of the human race. It is that which she calls the Historical Method of the Third Millennium or the New Historical Method.   

With this in view she has elaborated, among other things, a new way of historical inquiry called historical-intuitive method, presented at the University of Glasgow in 2011, in which the use of objective traditional historical method is combined with intuition gained in a state of superconsciousness. With this an interpretation of artefacts and events is accomplished, which is out of reach using classical historical methods.

She hold lectures and seminars und she is the author of numerous articles and books in English, German, Italian and Greek.

Some recent publications


Books, Articles & Lectures

The following books and articles were written using the New Historical Method:


2020: Topophilia Effect

2018: Convention Proceedings: Ettore Majorana: Has the Mystery been Solved? Rome: Ilmiolibro

2017: The Machine. The bridge between science and the Beyond. Rome: Ilmiolibro

2016: The Path of the Body.  Nordhausen: Bautz

2015: Ars Erotica oder Scientia Sexualis? Nordhausen: Bautz

2013: Handbook on Cross-Cultural Communication, Milano: Fast

2012: The Mysterious Ritual Enclosed in the Phaistos Disc and the Kernos Stone. Londra


2011: New Light on Phaistos Disc. Londra


A Not-Newtonian Approach to the Processes of Healing. The Role of Thought“, Vienna / A

Our Future is in History” in “Convention Proceedings: Ettore Majorana: Has the Mystery been Solved?”, Ilmiolibro / I

The Science of History of the Third Millennium. The historian’s craft in the age of climate change” in Rassegna storiografica del decennale (curated by Pozzoni), Limina Mentis Editore / I

Genius Loci – Spirit of Place. Practical application of an ancient knowledge” in Rassegna storiografica del decennale (curated by Pozzoni), Limina Mentis Editore / I

III Millennium physics is thoughts-driven” – presented at the congress The Science of Consciousness, TSC 2017, San Diego, CA – published by Academia.edu [Co-author: Francesco Alessandrini]

The Doctrine of Ideas and the process of thought formation” in Philosophy Study – Vol. 7, No. 7, July 2017 / Valley Cottage, NY, USA [Co-author: Francesco Alessandrini]

The Path of the Body and the Tantra“, in The Path of the Body, Nordhausen: Bautz, 2016 [Co-author: Francesco Alessandrini]


May 2018 – Torviscosa (Italy):  Our Future is in History


March 2018 – Remanzacco (Italy): Third Millennium Physics. Science and Spirituality reunited


February 2018 – Graz (Austria): 2nd World Symposium on Climate Change

January 2018 – Udine (Italy): International Convention “ETTORE MAJORANA: Has the mystery been solved? A possible way out of the climate challenge”


October 2017 – Vienna (Austria):  Symposium Medicine Science and Spirituality



YouTube Channel

Academia Edu





The analysis of a strategic investment decision in our enterprise was the reason I first contacted Roberta Rio (PhD) in 2017 and we have been working together ever since.

Roberta worked on this question for the Andechser Scheitz Dairy in a completely new way. She brought the enterprise into a living context with the environment, the company’s aims, and the historical development of the location where we are based.

According to Roberta’s knowledge and her scientific findings the energy and information of a place are stored over many years, centuries and millennia, and are carried over into our times. This information needs to be recognised and taken into consideration in a holistically conceived entrepreneurial management. The result of the investigation was that the investment would not contribute to the overall development of the company in the way required.

Since then I have worked with Roberta in a management coaching relationship. She supports me in formulating strategic objectives and appropriate ways to implement them. Her work is oriented towards a holistic running of the company in which all sectors are considered.

The formulation of strategic, long-term objectives together with consideration of the exceptional challenges of our times, such as climate change, sustainability and efficient, responsible use of resources of our Planet, were all newly defined in the strategy process and as a result the strategy of the enterprise has become more clearly oriented. With Roberta’s support, our work was particularly distinguished during the implementation of the strategic objectives in operative measures. Thanks to this the company management’s practical questions were reflected on, brought into context with the strategy of each individual step of the process, and evaluated.

From the beginning of our collaboration, new possibilities, such as business fields and networks, have opened up for me, and I was able to understand how they are connected to the work with Roberta. For many years I have been working with a sustainable enterprise development in view, and now, due to collaboration with Roberta, we have succeeded in bringing this work to the public attention, where it has been noticed and given due recognition.

Barbara Scheitz



The Andechser Scheitz Dairy is a modern, medium-sized family-run company located in Upper Bavaria / Germany. The products of this organic dairy from Andechs range from the finest yoghurts and fruity-fresh yoghurt drinks to the tastiest cheese delicacies and a fine selection of goat milk products.

Our ANDECHSER NATUR organic products – true to the credo “Leave natural things natural“ – are made exclusively from the best raw materials, with no artificial additives or flavourings and without genetically modified substances. Even so the company processes around 115 million kilos of cow milk and approximately 9.4 million kilos of goat milk annually. This precious organic milk is supplied by a total of 630 organic milk farms, certified by the union, with whom the dairy works in a trusting and equal partnership.

For further information: www.andechser-natur.de

Original letter EN


Further references (a selection of)

  • Stadtmuseum Villach / A
  • Kepler Salon – Johannes Kepler University / A
  • Bio Rapunzel Naturwelt / D
  • I-am-Escape GmbH
  • University of Applied Sciences Zittau-Görlitz  / G
  • Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg / G
  • University of Klagenfurt / A
  • Johannes Kepler University of Linz / A
  • Management Center Innsbruck MCI, Innsbruck / A
  • Regional Center for Training in General Medicine, Friuli / I
  • FAST, Federation of the Scientific and Technical Associations / I
  • Midwifery Center “Eviana”, Bolzano / I
  • Women’s Health Center, Villach / A
  • VHS Villach / A
  • WIFI Carinthia / A
  • BFI Carinthia / A
  • Frau in der Wirtschaft Villach / A
  • Lions Club Villach / A
  • Schloss Puchberg 1 / A
  • Schloss Puchberg 2 / A
  • Schloss Goldrain / I
  • Schloss Albeck / A
  • GEA Akademie / A
  • Kultur im KREUZ, Gunzesried, Allgäu / G
  • Free Music Centre, Munich / G
  • Infineon Technologies AG, Villach / A
  • Library Hans Glauber / I
  • Atrio Shopping Centre, Villach / A
  • Frauenakademie, Villach / A
  • Haus der Familie, Oberbozen / I